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Carrington strives to meet the needs of all learners by providing training activities and resources for the emergent educator, developing specialist, as well as school and division leaders who provide professional development activities and resources to teachers. We offer a variety of training opportunities through coursework as well as on- and off-site workshops, and presentations.


"Carrington helped us to develop a literacy program that improved teacher collaboration and left us excited about the possibilities!"


Hampton, VA

"The climate has already begun to improve here...and we are only halfway through the training. The sessions are engaging and keep us on our toes; the facilitators have challenged us to be creative and to collaborate in the classroom."

Senior Education Director

Richmond, Virginia

"The {program} is so personal; it is exactly what [our son] needed. He was reading for the first time after only 3 sessions with his coach. I really appreciate the time {the coach] takes to communicate with us and his teacher. She even attends helps us navigate his IEP. We are blessed to have found Carrington."

Parent, Elementary


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© 2017 Carrington Institute for Teaching and Learning   47 W. Queens Way, Hampton VA 23669  757.726.2000

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